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The hybrid preamplifiers are mounted on boards carrying 27 channels at maximum.

Figure 5: Preamplifier scheme
\epsfig {, width=13.5cm}\end{center}\end{figure}

These boards provide for the detectors voltage supply. They are referred to a positive voltage for cathodes (n side) and to ground for anodes (p side).

Figure 6: Preamplifier differential output. A step pulse is injected into the test input of the preamplifier. The output of the preamplifier is shown without (up) and with (down) the detector capacitance.
\epsfig {file=photo_pre1.eps, width=10cm}\epsfig {file=photo_pre2.eps, width=10cm}\end{center}\end{figure}

In fig. 5 the schematics of a single preamplifier channel is shown. The original design was slightly modified in order to increase the input capacitance and the linear range. The input stage consists of a FET with capacitance C$_{in}$=35 pF. The differential output has a dynamic range of $\pm$400 mV and a gain of 1 mV/fC. The equivalent noise charge (ENC) is 230 e$^-$ measured with no input capacitance.

In fig. 6 the output signals of the preamplifier are shown.

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Alessandro Braghieri