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The Electronic Chain

The readout electronics is based on preamplifiers and Fastbus modules described in ref. [5] and ref. [6]. These modules receive the differential signals from preamplifiers and provide the shaping, the track & hold, the multiplexing and the 12-bit digitization of the signals.

The original design of these modules (FEMC) was modified by the Electronic Pool of INFN Pavia [7]. A trigger section with a double threshold discriminator was added and the original optical transmitter for the readout was replaced by a Latch circuit.

Data are sent to an interface which contains the control logic and is directly fed to the VME CPU DSP56 that is used for acquisition.

In fig. 4 the block diagram of the readout electronics is shown.

Figure 4: Electronic chain
\epsfig {file=chain.eps, width=10cm}\end{center}\end{figure}


Alessandro Braghieri